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Who we are

Success is always based on
quality and perfect

Maintaining quality is the key factor. You have got to stick to your agreements, be open, honest and constantly comply with your customers´ wishes.

USA and EU locations to bring you our best prices wherever they are.

IDE Electronics

A dynamic and progressive thinking

IDE Electronics International

IDE Solutions

Industrial construction

Mechanical engineering

Oil Gas & Fossil resources

Automotive manufacturing

Plastics & Packaging

Food & beverages

About us

At IDE Electronics International we have been working in the automation industry for more than 30 years. We can help to our customers to find the best solutions offered by the world largest manufacturers of industrial automation parts.

We are a Manufacturing leading company in Printed Circuit Board (PCB), Power Supply units, Sistems Integration, repairs and Automation Parts supply with an extensive experience in international markets .

About us
About us

Our Business model allowed us to find the parts that our cusotmers need in the fastest way, thanks to our suppliers network, factories and warehouses through USA and Europe.

Our commitment

IDE Electronics Shipping

We deliver around the world fast to your door.

We can do EXW, DAT or DAP, whatever works better for your business. Just choose the one you like the most.

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